Master’s Degree in Numbers



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Sources: Almalaurea 2021 and Teaching Evaluation 2021

The Master of Science in Economics and Innovation Management (LM-56)
aims to train young managers and successful professionals, in line with market demands. The course provides students with both specific knowledge to generate concrete skills, and transversal knowledge to create an overview.

The course offers knowledge and methods to manage, transform and evaluate projects, products and services in constantly evolving organizational and productive contexts and in a strongly international perspective.

The three specializations (Consulting, Finance, Management) allow various sectoral insights.

The Course uses practical and theoretical approaches and studies, integrating business, economic, legal, managerial and quantitative disciplines with particular attention to the growth and training of the individual.

All courses include a teaching of Ethics and Economics and a Management Skills Lab.

The international dimension

Depending on the specialization, you can take several courses, a year or two years in English on site, in classes enriched by the presence of foreign students, or carry out a period abroad (a year or a semester) participating in double-degree agreements with partner universities such as Universidad Catòlica de Murcia (Spain), Sophia Institute (Vatican City), St. Mary’s University Twickenham London (United Kingdom).

The double degree agreements (double degree) make it possible to obtain two degrees, the Italian one issued by the European University of Rome and the foreign one issued by the partner university. Access to the double degree is regulated by an annual call and the number of places is limited to deserving students.
Learn more about double-degree agreements

The Degree Program offers many possibilities related to the Erasmus+ program. On the basis of an annual call, students can participate in the Erasmus+ program and carry out a period of study recognized by the EBU of three to twelve months abroad, or a training period (Erasmus+ for Traineeship).
Learn more about the Erasmus+ program

Students can take part in the LSE Summer School of Business and Management of the London School of Economics, one of the most prestigious universities in the field of economic and social sciences.
Learn more about LSE Summer School

The specializations of the Course

  • Consulting (two years in English), dedicated to strategic business consulting, with the possibility of a double degree with University of Murcia, Sophia University Institute, St. Mary’s University Twickenham London
  • Finance (first year in English), dedicated to finance and financial innovation, with the possibility of continuing in English by a double degree with St. Mary’s University Twickenham London
  • Management (two years in Italian, with the possibility of choosing some courses in English), dedicated to business management and entrepreneurship, with the possibility of a double degree with Sophia University Institute

The strong points

Continuous dialogue between teachers and students, favored by the small size of the classes, by teaching methods that prioritize problem-solving and team-working, and by the values of our community.

Interaction with the business community and the world of work, through the connection with companies and institutions, the participation of experts in the Faculty, testimonies in the classroom and visits to companies.

Investment in developing the aspirations and skills of the individual (communication, decision-making, teamwork, public speaking), fundamental to successfully entering the world of work.

The professional outlets

The Course trains managers and professionals capable of operating in different fields and functions (administration and control, commercial and marketing, finance, management and organization of human resources, logistics and production) but also of giving shape to their own entrepreneurial project in different fields and sectors.

Thanks to close relationships with companies and the world of work, the Guidance and Job Placement Office is able to propose training opportunities and career opportunities through a regular monitoring of calls for applications and vacancies corresponding to the aspirations, the specialization, and the talents of each.

The agreement stipulated by the EBU with the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accountants Experts of Rome allows you to obtain certain benefits in accessing the profession of chartered accountant

Enrolment in the 2-year Master Post Graduate Degree

For information on how to register please contact

Chiara Trombino foto
Chiara Trombino
Tel.: 0666543704
Mob.: 3287512608