University is an important milestone that leads to your future. It is crucial to choose the right way and to be aware of each step that must be taken to move in the right direction. UER helps, assesses and advises you in such important decision process.
Our service named UERorienta helps you to choose your course of study. Prepare your university success right away: choose the most suitable degree programme for you with UERorienta! If you are attending the last years of high school, UERorienta is specifically designed for you.
It takes place in two meetings:
Orientation test: get to know yourself: by participation in the aptitude test you will discover your attitudes, strengths and interests.
Individual interview: sketch your training and professional project: together with the results of the test you will receive a personalized profile and in the individual interview you can build your training project by choosing the university path that suits you the best.
Contact us to take part both in the test and the interview.
Many factors influence your university choice! Understanding these implications will help you to decide better.Having doubts is normal, an expert can clarify them: our guidance psychologists are at your disposal for an orientation meeting, individual and completely free, to evaluate together with you effective strategies to decide among your options.Do not pick a choice randomly: take a decisive and conscious step with UERorienta!
The European University of Rome participated in the Young International Forum di Roma at the Factory exhibition (former mattatoio di Testaccio).
During these three days many activities were carried out: workshops, seminars, questionnaires, simulations of work environment, focus groups, role plays, etc.
The European University of Rome accompanies high school students in their university choices. Classes IV and V will benefit from specific briefings on how the university works, how to enroll, job opportunities of each degree programs and the specificities of the training project. An interactive orientation session is held, in which a team of psychologists increase students’ awareness of their own interests and aspirations.
Our guidance counselors are available to arrange an orientation session according to your school’s needs.
On March 20, 2018, the European University of Rome hosted hundreds of young students from various schools in Rome at the Giovanni Paolo II Auditorium to participate in the project “Alternanza scuola lavoro”.
In this way, young people were able to learn about the rules and the new challenges posed by the current and future world of work.