A course in Medicine is a fascinating path that leads to the training of the doctor who will work in public and private hospitals, biomedical research centres, healthcare facilities in the territory, or in the liberal professions.
Today’s doctor represents something extremely complex and different from the professional figure of even just 15 or 20 years ago; he is a doctor who has to deal with extremely articulated realities, with increasingly complex patients for whom, however, medical science wants to find a solution every time.
Today, modern medicine faces great challenges, such as in the field of neuroscience and degenerative brain diseases, the field of oncology, where the solution always seems to be close at hand, but where tumours still represent a fearsome and partly unknown enemy, and above all that of cardiac and cardiovascular diseases, which are still the leading cause of death in the western world, and for which prevention can play a fundamental role.
The doctor today has tools that were unimaginable until a short time ago, and the possibility of using increasingly sophisticated technologies, both diagnostic and therapeutic, that allow him to treat increasingly frail and elderly patients, with increasingly less invasive techniques and therapeutic strategies.
Today’s doctor must and can take advantage of amazing technologies such as: