From Termini Station, every hour (at the 39th minute) there’s a train from Rome Termini to Civitavecchia. The train makes several stops:
For more information about train times check Trenitalia’s website
To get to Università Europea di Roma take the towards Civitavecchia in one of the sations mentioned above. Get off at Roma Aurelia station and take the exit Via della Stazione Aurelia. Turn right on Via degli Andosilla and then Via dei del Balzo, up to the street number 12. Follow the path. After descending, on your right, there is the entrance porch and the concierge. In the upper part of this web page you will find the map containing the exact location of the Università Europea di Roma.
By Rome’s Circular Highway ( grande raccordo anulare): Exit 1 Aurelia, direction Città del Vaticano/Roma Centro. Take the 2nd ramp to make a U-turn and, when arriving to the ramp, turn right to Via di Villa Troili. Proceed until Via Aldobrandeschi. The entrance to the University is at the number 190, on the right side.
From the centre of Rome (Piazza Irnerio): go straight along the Via Aurelia, direction outside Rome and pass the gas station on the right in Via Aurelia all’altezza . Soon after go through the overpass, make an U-turn and go back towards Rome centre, right after take the first exit to Via di Villa Troili. Keep right until Via Aldobrandeschi 190.