The Master of Science in Psychology prepares you to perform your professional skills and provides you with specific knowledge on your field of interest, according to two curricula:
Clinical and Community Psychology – You will compare the theories and tools that allow you to analyze, diagnose and intervene in the field of psychological and relational problems at individual, family and group level. As a Clinical Psychologist you can set training, prevention, promotion of health and wellness, diagnosis, counseling and rehabilitation activities.
Psychology of Work and Organizations – You will learn to apply the theories and tools of psychology to business and the business environment to promote organizational health, effective communication, conflict management and organizational change. As a Labour Psychologist you can analyse and intervene in the workplace in order to promote the welfare of the workers and the optimal functioning of the organization.
The course allows you to acquire language and computer skills that will enable you to carry out professional activities, with complete mastery of modern technology.
The Master of Science in Psychology allows direct access to the working world and to enroll in the Chart of Psychologists, after passing a State Exam.