7 Marzo, 2022

Ultime News The UER Integral Training Center is born

The Integral Training Center of Università Europea di Roma (UER) is born.

“Integral Education represents the educational ideal of our university”, explains Father Gonzalo Monzón LC, Director of the Center. “We don’t want to limit ourselves to offering students only an academic path, but also and above all a path of personal and human growth”.

Integral Training has been present at Università Europea di Roma since its foundation. The Integral Training Center has now been established and its regulation approved, with a resolution of the Board of Directors.

“The birth of the Integral Training Center represents, for us, a great joy and an incentive to commit ourselves even more in the path started in recent years”, says Father Monzón. “The goal is always to seek the realization of all the potential of young people, in a harmonious way, through four educational areas: intellectual, human, spiritual and social formation“.

The Integral Training Center is divided into sectors, which represent its areas of action: Excellence, Social Responsibility, Sport and Extracurricular Activities, Dissemination.

Each sector is about different aspects of the education of young people: the pursuit of human excellence and the commitment of positive leadership in society, social activities carried out with voluntary associations, sport proposed as a training ground for life, extracurricular and dissemination activities, to give space to the creativity of young people. For example, with the UER’s Got Talent competition, inspired by themes of solidarity, and participation in the broadcasts of Radio Onda UER, a web radio that recently celebrated its first anniversary.

For more information, you can visit the website of the Integral Training Center:
