Cryptocurrency weekend!
After the Easter break, the lessons of our Master resume, with a long weekend linked to the legal and tax profiles of cryptocurrencies.
The teachers of this afternoon are:
Luisa Scarcella: Department of Tax Law of the University of Graz. She is a research associate at the Center for Blockchain Technologies of the UCL University of London and coordinator of the Finance, Law and Economics working group of the Young Scholars Initiative INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) . She was a research associate at the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance of the University of Cambridge and a visiting scholar at the Center for Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law (CiTiP) of the KU Leuve University
Massimo Simbula: founder of the Simbula law firm operating between Cagliari and Milan, of the Copernicans Association, member of the Oracle Community for security, of the committee of essays of the National Data Protection Association and partner of the COINLEX network specialized in cryptocurrencies, Blockchain technology and PSD2. He has been dealing with Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and GDPR since 2012 both as an editor of articles and books and as a lawyer for numerous companies operating in the FinTech and Blockchain sector