Lessons this morning
AI, privacy and human rights
Lecturer: Anna Papa, Full Professor of Public Law Institutions at the “Parthenope” University of Naples, where she teaches “Public Law Institutions” and “Information and Communication Law”.
Member of the Governing Council of the Academy of the Internet Code. Member of the teaching staff of the doctorate in “The law of services in the Italian and European system” – University of Sudi Parthenope – European University of Rome
The application of the GDPR with respect to the treatments carried out in the AI chain, in the technology of robotic machines and the IoT
Lecturer: Roberto Lattanzi, manager of the organic role of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, in charge of the Studies and Documentation Service. He was legal advisor to Mauro Paissan. He has been a lecturer on the subject of personal data protection law in numerous public and private universities.