This morning’s lessons:
Robotic company and shareholders
Lecturer: Salvatore Sica, Full Professor of Institutions of Private Law and holder of Sports Law, is a lawyer and partner of a law firm with offices in Salerno and Rome. He has published numerous articles and books on private law and comparative law on various topics (civil liability, new technologies, contracts, law policy). he is the director of the In.Di.Co. since the foundation. He is a member of the National Bar Council and V. President of the Higher School of Advocacy. Former member of the Scientific Committee of the Superior Council of the Judiciary and of the Agency for the Third Sector.
Case study: negotiation tools for the limitation of liability
Lecturer: Maddalena Valli, lawyer, mainly deals with compliance and litigation of both national and international character. She is a professional specialized in privacy law, also in light of the new European legislation and subsequent national implementing decrees, she is Data Protection Officer for complex companies.