A Friday between biotechnology, health and law!
Give CRISPR a chance: a case study between biotechnology and policy
Lecturer: Vittoria Brambilla, graduated in Biological Sciences, obtained a PhD in Plant Biology between the University of Milan and the University of Dusseldorf. You worked as a post doc researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne and at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Milan. At the same university, since 2017 she has led a small research group in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. In the laboratory she carries out basic research projects in developmental biology and applied projects for the genetic improvement of rice. With the’
Luca Coscioni Association
engages in the scientific dissemination of plant biotechnologies
Big Data, AI and data protection in the healthcare sector
Lecturer: Giovanni Ziccardi: professor of legal informatics at the University of Milan; he teaches Cybercrime at the Master in New Technology Law at the University of Bologna. Scientific Coordinator of the Coordinated Research Center in “Information Society Law” (ISLC), he is a member of the Security Committee of the Milanese University. Since 1984 he has kept in touch with national and international hacker circles, meeting their exponents and studying their evolution. He dedicated an essay to those years (Hacker – The call of freedom, 2011) and a thriller (The last hacker, 2012). Lawyer and publicist, he has a degree in Law from the University of Modena and a PhD from the University of Bologna. He has published scientific articles in Italy, Europe and Japan and monographs with the most important national and international publishers. He directs a scientific journal, Cyberspace and Law; he collaborates with Il Mulino, Doppiozero, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Il Corriere della Sera and the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani.
medical responsibility in interconnected systems
Lecturer: Vittorio Occorsio, notary, associate professor of private law, wanted at t.d. confirmed at UniPegaso.
medical liability and I.A.
Lecturer: Carolina Perlingieri, full-time full-time professor for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector IUS / 01 Private Law – Competition Sector 12 / A1 at the Department of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II”; he holds the professorships of “Institutions of private law” and “Law of new technologies” at the Department of Law of the same university.