The Project

Jean Monnet
The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy is the second consecutive Chair awarded to the European University of Rome (“UER”)

The Chair will address Digital transformation and AI policy through a set of multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder actions and activities that will be running from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2025.

The Chair holder is Prof. Valeria Falce, Full Professor of Economics Law at the Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Economics.






23 Oct 2024

22° Forum ICT Security

22° Forum ICT Security - 23 e 24 ottobre 2024, Roma Partecipa:  Valeria Falce, Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy - Professore ordinario di Diritto dell'economia nell'Università Europea di Roma - "Strategia dei Dati e Intelligenza Artificiale. Il nuovo Ordine (economico e giuridico) del Mercato" Programma completo dell'evento        ...

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9 Oct 2024

Intelligenza artificiale e industria finanziaria: quali applicazioni, quali implicazioni

Convegno: Intelligenza artificiale e industria finanziaria: quali applicazioni, quali implicazioni - Mercoledì 9 ottobre 2024 Interviene: Valeria Falce Ordinario Diritto dell’Economia - Università Europea di Roma Programma dell'evento        ...

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26 Sep 2024

Intellectual Property and Competition: Friends or Foes?

Seminar: Intellectual Property and Competition: Friends or Foes? - Thursday 26th September h. 17:15-18:00 (CET) Speaker: Valeria Falce, Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy, European University of Rome Event full programme    ...

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Academic Team

Prof. Valeria Falce

Prof. Valeria Falce

Chair holder and academic coordinator | Full professor of Economics Law - Università Europea di Roma | Director of the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – European University of Rome

Her main research areas of interest include intellectual property, competition policy, market regulation and consumer policy, digital innovation, data strategy and economic analysis of law. After completing an LLM (focus on Intellectual property) at the London School of Economics and a PhD in competition law advanced by the University of Perugia together with Luiss University and Bocconi University, she succeeded a Tenured Professorship in 2008. She is Full Professor of Economics Law, Scientific...

Prof. Emanuela Delbufalo

Prof. Emanuela Delbufalo

Full Professor of Operations Management and Business Management – European University of Rome

Her research addresses some of the most critical issues in supply chain management theory and practice, among which building and managing relational strategies in supply networks, supply chain innovation and information sharing in buyer-supplier relationships. She is Full Professor of Operations Management and Business Management and Coordinator of the Departmental Centre for Research at the Università Europea di Roma. Since 2013, Emanuela is also Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Logi...

Prof. Antonio Manganelli

Prof. Antonio Manganelli

Professor of Antitrust and Regulation – LUMSA University

He worked for more than 20 years as competition and regulation expert, developing hands-on experience in Telecoms, Media and Digital markets and served in different public institutions: the Cabinet of Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), the Italian telecoms and media Regulator (AGCOM); the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA); the European Commission at the EU body dealing with Digital and Electronic Communications markets (BEREC Office). Prof. Manganelli worked in a niche top...

Dr. Emanuele Vincent

Dr. Emanuele Vincent

Ph.D. candidate at the European University of Rome

Emanuele Vincent is a Ph.D. candidate at the European University of Rome in Commercial Law. He completed his Master of Laws (LL.M.) at Columbia Law School in New York, he graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Turin with a thesis on the relationship between Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and International Corporate Law. He has acquired professional experience in commercial law, M&A and financial markets, working as a trainee and then as an associate in an international law firm...

Dr. Nicola M.F. Faraone

Dr. Nicola M.F. Faraone

Post-Doc Researcher/Research Fellow of the Research Centre “ICPC-Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre” of the European University of Rome

Nicola Faraone is Post-Doc Researcher/Research Fellow of the Research Centre “ICPC-Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre” of the European University of Rome. His main research areas of interest include competition law, intellectual property, EU State aid law, and economic analysis of law as they apply to digital, media, data, and platforms technology. He completed his Ph.D. in Economics, Law, and Institutions at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (2017), with a thesis fo...



23 September 2024

Articolo “Così l’UE valorizza i contenuti digitali” su Milano Finanza

Valeria Falce, Ordinario di diritto dell’economia e Jean Monnet Professori in Digital Transformation and AI Policy presso l’Università Europea di Roma

Leggi articolo completo

23 September 2024

Articolo “Verso l’Open Finance” su Rivista Assicurazioni

Valeria Falce, Ordinario di diritto dell’economia e Jean Monnet Professori in Digital Transformation and AI Policy presso l’Università Europea di Roma

Leggi articolo completo

24 July 2024

Volume: Dall’open banking all’open finance. Profili di diritto dell’economia

A cura di Valeria Falce e Umberto Morera – Giappichelli editore – Torino

Vedi volume

28 March 2024

Articolo “L’economia dei dati è un gran business e per l’Europa è ora di uscire dal far west”

Valeria Falce – 28 Marzo 2024 – Il Foglio

Articolo completo

21 March 2024

Volume “Strategia dei dati e Intelligenza Artificiale. Verso un nuovo ordine giuridico del mercato” – Giappichelli Editore

A cura di: Valeria Falce, Professoressa di Diritto dell’Economia, Università Europea di Roma.

Volume disponibile in Open Access

15 March 2024

Articolo “Competere con Stati Uniti e Cina sul mercato dei dati si può. Orizzonti europei”

Valeria Falce – 15 Marzo 2024 – Il Foglio

Articolo completo

Call for Papers

March-May 2024 – A new series of 6 seminars and lectures on: “Advanced Studies on Digital transformation: fundamental rights, solidarity and democratic framework”.

Submit draft papers or extended abstracts no later than 6 March 2024.