
Jean Monnet Chair

Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy

Jean Monnet Chairs are academic appointments to teaching and research positions for university professors with a strong specialization in European Union studies. The Chair is an integral part of the hosting higher education institution and are inscribed in the institution’s official academic activities.  Jean Monnet Chairs are designed to: (i) deepen teaching and research activities in EU studies embodied in the official curriculum of a higher education institution; and (ii) provide in-depth teaching and research activities on EU matters in areas increasingly in demand in the labour market. For further information, please visit the website of the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy is the second consecutive Chair awarded to the European University of Rome (“UER”), after the grant of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Innovation Policy assigned to UER for the three-year period 2018-2021.

The Chair will address Digital transformation and AI policy through a set of multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder actions and activities that will be running from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2025.

The Chair holder is Prof. Valeria Falce, Full Professor of Economics Law at the Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Economics.

Digital transformation and AI Policy as a key drivers of the Jean Monnet Chair

The Chair, awarded to Prof. Valeria Falce, will stimulate an out-of-the-box reflection on digital transformation and AI through teaching, scientific, research and debate activities. To this end, a multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary approach will guide:

  • the three-year teaching activity will focus on “Digital Economy and Data Strategy”, “Data Regulations and Fundamental Rights”, “AI and Decentralized Finance”. Frontal lectures, tutorials, seminars, special lectures and workshops will enrich the teaching offer with the idea of fostering employability, social inclusion, civic engagement and innovation;
  • the original volume, gathering scientific contributions on digital transformation and AI policy, will be published and the relevant chapters will be available on-line and free of charge;
  • the original Jean Monnet Chair website, comprising relevant information, materials and updates on the teaching, scientific, research and debate activities carried out.

All these activities and the resulting deliverables will be powerful tools for the dissemination and discussion of research results and will promote European Union studies at host institution and at regional, national and international level.

Materials from the teaching course

2022/2023 Materials

2023/2024 Materials