
Jean Monnet Chair




9 May 2023

Intelligenza artificiale, Media digitali e comunicazione politica

Jean Monnet Module Digital Citizenship in the European Union Final Conference: "Intelligenza artificiale, Media digitali e comunicazione politica e commerciale AI, Digital Media and Political/ Commercial Advertising" University of Naples L’Orientale May, 9th-10th 2023 May 10th - Prof.ssa Valeria Falce speech about "Media Industry in the new DSA framework"[spacer height="10px"] Sala Conferenze - Palazzo Du Mesnil Via Partenope 10/A con accesso alla Via Chiatamone, 61 – Napoli[spacer ...

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3 May 2023

Proprietà Intellettuale, diritto industriale e information technology: questioni aperte

The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy with the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – (ICPC) of the Università Europea di Roma and together with PRIN 2020- Online platform contracts 3rd May 2023, 10:45 - 12:30  |  Seminar "Proprietà Intellettuale, diritto industriale e information technology: questioni aperte"   Event program INTRODUCTORY REMARKS VALERIA FALCE (Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy)[spacer he...

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21 Apr 2023

Regulation, IP and Competition Enforcement in the Digital Ecosystem

Organised within the Master in Diritto della Concorrenza e dell’Innovazione and PRIN E-Agorà - Online Platform Contracts2 in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy, Università Europea di Roma. Seminar "Regulation, IP and Competition Enforcement in the Digital Ecosystem" 21 April 2023, 3:00 pm  -  Aula Magna, Luiss Campus at Via Parenzo 11, Rome[spacer height="40px"] Keynote Speech Paul Nihoul (Judge, Court of Justice of the European U...

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21 Apr 2023

Politiche pro-concorrenziali per i mercati e i servizi digitali

La Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy insieme all’Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – (ICPC) dell’Università Europea di Roma, al PRIN2020 E-Agora e con ASSONIME e CIVITA: 21 Aprile 2023 ore 9:30/13:30  |  Convegno "Politiche pro-concorrenziali per i mercati e i servizi digitali"     9:30 WELCOME COFFEE - SALUTI SIMONETTA GIORDANI (Segretario Generale Civita)[spacer height="30px"] 10:00 LE SFIDE DELLA TRASFORMAZIONE ...

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19 Apr 2023

Diritto all’oblio e web reputation

The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy with the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – (ICPC) of the Università Europea di Roma and together with PRIN 2020- Online platform contracts 19th April 2023, 10:45 - 12:30  |  Seminar "Diritto all’oblio e web reputation"   Event program INTRODUCTORY REMARKS VALERIA FALCE (Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy)[spacer height="30px"] KEYNOTE ON NEW LEGAL CHALLENGES ...

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12 Apr 2023

Rischio Privacy: declinazioni e soluzioni

The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy with the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – (ICPC) of the Università Europea di Roma and together with PRIN 2020- Online platform contracts 12th April 2023, 10:45 - 12:30  |  Seminar "Rischio Privacy: declinazioni e soluzioni"   Event program INTRODUCTORY REMARKS VALERIA FALCE (Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy)[spacer height="30px"] KEYNOTE ON NEW LEGAL CHALLEN...

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3 Apr 2023

Intelligenza Artificiale e Profili di Proprietà Intellettuale

Webinar Accademia UIBM "Intelligenza Artificiale e Profili di Proprietà Intellettuale" - 3 aprile 2023 ore 10 PROGRAMMA 10.00-10.10: Saluti introduttivi - Francesco Morgia (DGTPI-UIBM) 10.10-10.30: Loredana Guglielmetti (DGTPI-UIBM) – “Le discussioni in tema di AI nell’ambito degli organismi internazionali che si occupano di PI” 10.30-11.00: Maria Isabella Leone (LUISS Business School) e Mario Pozzi (SIB LEX) – “Intelligenza Artificiale e Profili di Proprietà Intellet...

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3 Mar 2023

Media and Digital Single Market Strategy. New challenges

Seminar "Media and Digital single market strategy. New challenges" - March 3rd 9:00 AM / 10:30 AM   The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy with the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – (ICPC) of the Università Europea di Roma and together with: PRIN 2020- Online platform contracts   Event program INTRODUCTORY REMARKS VALERIA FALCE (Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy)[spacer height="30px"] KEYNOTE ...

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1 Mar 2023

(New) Media and Digital Single Market Strategy

Seminar "(New) Media and Digital Single Market Strategy" - March 1st 10:30 AM / 12:30 PM   The Jean Monnet Chair in Digital Transformation and AI Policy with the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre – (ICPC) of the Università Europea di Roma and together with: PRIN 2020- Online platform contracts   Event program INTRODUCTORY REMARKS VALERIA FALCE (Jean Monnet Professor in Digital Transformation and AI Policy)[spacer height="30px"] KEY NOTE ON POLIC...

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10 Mar 2023

I nuovi poteri dell’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato

Saluti istituzionali Antonio Gullo Prorettore Luiss Alberto Pera Presidente Associazione Antitrust Italiana[spacer height="20px"] Introduce e coordina Gustavo Olivieri Direttore del Master in Diritto della concorrenza e dell’innovazione, Luiss School of Law Le concentrazioni sottosoglia Federico Ghezzi Professore di Diritto commerciale, Bocconi Francesco Anglani Segretario Generale, Associazione Antitrust Italiana e Bonelli Erede Poteri istruttori e sanzioni Giovanni Calabr...

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