Ricercatrice di Psicologia Dinamica

Insegnamenti docente

 Insegnamenti a.a. 2024/25 su Esse3


PhD in Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, “Sapienza” Università di Roma; Psicoterapeuta Psicodinamica, specializzata presso “Lo Spazio Psicoanalitico”; socia fondatrice del Control-Mastery Theory Italian Group (CMT-IG), socia affiliata dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), e del San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group (SFPRG); membro della Consensus Conference per la definizione delle linee guida per il trattamento dei disturbi d’ansia e depressivi in età evolutiva.

Interessi di ricerca

Tra i maggiori interessi clinici e di ricerca: la valutazione e l’assessment psicodinamico nell’ambito della personalità e dei suoi disturbi, la valutazione del processo e dell’esito delle psicoterapie (a breve e a lungo termine) con attenzione ai fattori specifici e aspecifici, la psicopatologia perinatale e dello sviluppo, con particolare attenzione a situazioni di svantaggio e vulnerabilità.


  • Cimino, S., Tambelli, R., Genova, F., Trombini, E., Agostini, F., Cerniglia, L. (submitted), “Psychopathological risk stability and change in a sample of mothers and preschool children before, during and after the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic”. doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1987856/v1.
  • Genova, F.*, Tambelli, R., Marzilli, E. (2023), “Parental Postnatal Depression in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: A Systematic Review on its Effects on Parent-child Relationship and Child’s Developmental Outcomes”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(3), 2018. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20032018.
  • Fimiani, R., Gazzillo, F., Gordman, B., Leonardi, J., Biuso, G.S., Rodomonti, M., Mannocchi, C., Genova, F. (2022), “The therapeutic effects of the therapists’ ability to pass their patients’ tests in psychotherapy”. Psychotherapy Research. doi.org/10.1080/10503307.2022.2157227.
  • Agostini, F., Neri, E., Genova, F., Trombini, E., Provera, A., Biasini, A., Stella, M. (2022), “Depressive symptoms in fathers during the first postpartum year: The influence of severity of preterm birth, parenting stress and partners’ depression”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 9478. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159478.
  • Neri, E., Genova, F., Stella, M., Provera, A., Biasini, A., Agostini, F. (2022), “Parental distress and affective perception of hospital environment after a Pictorial Intervention in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit“. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 8893. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19158893.
  • Paterlini, M., Neri, E., Nicoli, N., Genova, F., Villani, M.T., Santi, S., Agostini, F. (2022), “Emotions, Stress and Coping among Healthcare Workers in a Reproductive Medicine Unit during the First and Second COVID-19 Lockdowns”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 5899. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19105899.
  • Genova, F.*, Neri, E., Agostini, F., Trombini, E. (2022), “Severity of preterm birth and perinatal depressive symptoms in mothers and fathers: Trajectories over the first postpartum year”. Journal of Affective Disorders, 298(A), 182-189. doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.080.
  • Neri, E., De Pascalis, L., Agostini, F., Genova, F., Biasini, A., Stella, M., Trombini, E. (2021), “Parental book-reading to preterm born infants in NICU: The effects on language development in the first 2 years”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11361. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182111361.
  • Genova, F.*, Zingaretti, P., Gazzillo, F., Tanzilli, A., Lingiardi, V., Katz, M., Hilsenroth, M. (2021), “Patients’ crying experiences in psychotherapy and relationship with working alliance, therapeutic change and attachment styles”. Psychotherapy, 58(1), pp. 160-171. doi.org/10.1037/pst0000339.
  • Neri, E., Giovagnoli, S., Genova, F., Benassi, M., Stella, M., Agostini, F. (2020). “Reciprocal Influence of Depressive Symptoms Between Mothers and Fathers During the First Postpartum Year: A Comparison Among Full-Term, Very Low, and Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants”. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, pp. 1-11. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.578264.
  • Genova, F., Neri, E., Agostini, F. (2020), “La nascita pretermine e la sintomatologia depressiva materna nel primo anno di vita del bambino”. Psichiatria e Psicoterapia, 39(1), pp. 26-44.
  • Neri, E., Genova, F., Monti, F., Trombini, E., Biasini, A., Stella, M., Agostini, F. (2020), “Developmental dimensions in preterm infants during the first year of life: the influence of severity of prematurity and maternal generalized anxiety”. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, pp. 1-17. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00455.
  • Schimmenti, A., Gazzillo, F., Simonelli, A., Formica, I., De Luca, E., Genova, F., La Marca, L., Salvatore, S. (2019), “The consistency and pluralism of dynamic psychology: Examining the scientific contributions of the Italian scholars in dynamic psychology”. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 46(4), 731-739.
  • Gazzillo, F., Genova, F., Fedeli, F., Dazzi, N., Bush, M., Curtis, J.T., Silberschatz, G. (2019), “Patients’ unconscious testing activity in psychotherapy: a theoretical and empirical overview”. Psychoanalytic Psychology”.  doi.org/10.1037/pap0000227.
  • Genova, F.*, Gazzillo, F. (2018). “Personality organization, personality styles, and the emotional reactions of treating clinicians”. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 46(3), pp. 357-392. doi.org/10.1521/pdps.2018.46.3.357.
  • Boldrini, T., Nazzaro, M., Damiani, R., Gazzillo, F., Genova F., Lingiardi, V. (2018), “Mentalization as a predictor of psychoanalytic outcome: An empirical study of transcribed psychoanalytic sessions through the lenses of a computerized text analysis measure of reflective functioning”. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35(2), pp. 196-204. doi.org/10.1037/pap0000154.
  • Gazzillo, F., Waldron, S., Gorman, B.S., Stukenberg, K., Genova, F., Ristucci, C., Faccini, F., Mazza, C. (2018), “The components of psychoanalisis: Factor analyses of process measures of 27 fully recorded psychoanalyses”. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35(2), pp. 184-195. doi.org/10.1037/pap0000155.
  • Zingaretti, P., Genova, F., Gazzillo, F., Lingiardi, V. (2017), “Patient’s crying experience in psychotherapy: Relationship with the patient level of personality organization, clinician approach, and therapeutic alliance”. Psychotherapy, 54(2), pp. 159-166.  doi.org/10.1037/pst0000110.
  • Gazzillo, F., Lingiardi, V., Del Corno, F., Genova, F., Bornstein, R., Gordon, R.M., McWilliams, N. (2015), “Clinicians’ emotional responses and PDM personality disorders: A clinically relevant empirical study”. Psychotherapy, 52(2), pp. 238-246. doi.org/10.1037/a0038799.
  • Gazzillo, F., Waldron, S., Genova, F., Ristucci, C., Angeloni, F., (2014). “An Empirical Investigation of Analytic Process: Contrasting a Good and Poor Outcome Case”. Psychotherapy, 51(2), pp. 270-282. doi.org/10.1037/a0035243.
  • Waldron, S., Gazzillo, F., Genova, F., Lingiardi, V. (2013). “Relational and Classical Elements in Psychoanalyses: An empirical Study with Case Illustrations”. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(4), pp. 567-600. doi.org/i10.1037/a0033959.